Monday, August 31, 2009

affront fashion

So this amazing project was founded by my dear friend Annie. It was done back in May, but I thought it was deff blogworthy and that you should check it out. More will be coming from affront. I shall keep you updated.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

another link to check

^ cool new online magazine, deff worth viewing :)

i love you

Saturday, August 29, 2009

grandma's 80th birthday bash

So it was grandmothers partay today and instead of partaking in awkward conversations with long lost relatives, i decided to hang out with my godmothers little child James and we thought that playing with the camera would be a fun game haha. results below:


Friday, August 28, 2009

check this

its pretty grand if in need of good entertainment on the world wide web. xoxo

oh polyvore

i love you - below: zee latest creation of mine haha

newtown adventures

So yesterday miss annie joy and I decided to venture to newtown, to spend some hard earned money from our tax returns. Here is some photographic evidence of the trip. xoxo

oh hi train

Annie's first purchase of the day

Living up that street seemed so amazing to us haha

annie with her bags of goodies

And finally, my new mad hatters tea-party necklace (L)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

and so it begins..

A journal of some-sort - of all things pretty, all things me and just life in general. The secret life of Megan, or maybe not so secret. Im hoping this will inspire me to use my camera more to capture amazing memories, as well as collect and display other peoples pretty things and inspiring works. A lookbook, a diary, a photo album - whatever this turns out to be, I hope you enjoy.