Wednesday, September 30, 2009


i went riding this morning, first time in months and months on my friends horse mel, it was so amazing, and just what i needed. when your riding an extension trot across the diagonal it feels just as though your flying, and for the hour or so i rode i forget everything, it was like i were in another world. In other news im avoiding the internet as much as possible as of late. i think people including myself get too wrapped up in the cyber world, and who says what, and it turn it just fucks with your head. so bye for now. xo

Saturday, September 26, 2009


"i love you also means 'i love you more than anyone else loves you, or has loved you or will love you' and also 'i love you in a way that i will love no one else, and never have loved anyone else and never will love anyone else"
- Everything is Illuminated

Thursday, September 24, 2009

just like heaven

The cure's song below is amazing, best memories.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

powerhouse museum

15.9.09 - the best excursion ever, with my design & marketing class to the powerhouse museum near darling harbour. oh so much fun, we still are unsure how any of it related to anything we had learnt in class, but it was deffs worth while, and so were pancakes on the rocks after :) photographic evidence below:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

oh bondi

14.09.09 - adventures to bondi resulting in karl getting his first ink…

10.09.09 - afternoon in bondi with gavin and miss jessica lee...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

sad again

a pretty photo for cheer ups

we all need a lighthouse of our own

yes i am still listening to lighthouse, i think i am also beginning and odd obsession with taylor swift.. what is wrong with me oh dear? things are looking brighter again yay. this is pretty much just a random post, to distract me from this awful marketing plan i should be attending to, thats due to be binded in the morning.. hmm will it get done? yes it shall. ok back to work megan. bye xo

Sunday, September 6, 2009

so in conclusion

i think it is possible, that everything really does happen for a reason. even the most painful, horrible things.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

welcome spring

The first of September - the start of spring, so crazy this year has gone incredibly fast. Im excited though, because after spring is summer and summer means christmas and birthday times, and amazing holiday adventures and memories :). I cannot wait. I hope spring summer 09/10 brings the bestest of memories. I hope things will be perfect again.

In other news, I bought the latest 'RUSSH' magazine last night, while waiting for karl to go to one of his gigs. And its changed! I here its under new management also, thoughts? xo